What is it?

The Hero's Journey is a personal and group development activity, that is accomplished through three days of work mostly outdoors, led by trainers with great experience of active methodologies and experiential learning. The ideal group is made by 15-20 people, meeting during friday afternoon, and concluding activities during sunday afternoon.

The Hero's Journey is an activity in nature and a journey inside oneself; at this point we would like to clarify that we are neither extremists of jungle survival, neither gurus who offer their followers the enlightment; what we want to achieve with this programme is to allow singles and groups to restore a dialogue with themselves and nature, through a series of symbolic steps as ancient as the humankind, which our lifestyle now tend to forget or to liquidate as “old stuff”: walking for a few hours outside the urban environments, sleeping outdoors, reclaim the power of stories and understand the value of the passage rituals.

Nothing in what we propose is either mandatory or inevitable, and of course all participants can decide how far to go in accepting the challenges that are posed: We like to think, however, that the Hero's Journey is also an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and face yourself, your limits and your fears. It’ a practice that our hectic lifestyles tend not to afford any more, but we do believe that only in this way will individuals and groups be able to better understand who they are and where they are going, to strengthen their connections and to rethink and evaluate their own paths and choices.

If you want to learn more, If you are interested in participating in the next edition of the Hero's Journey or if you want to organize a Journey for members of your company – organisation – association, contact us and we will be glad to help!

participants speak:

  • “Turn off your computer and get your ass up! You don't want? This is really the hero refusing the call.”
    -  Francesco R.

  • “Join this, even if you're not educators: you will educate and get educated by the whole group”
    -  Riccardo T.