what to expect

The “Journey” can be an amazing adventure discovering ourselves and others, but it is based on what each participant decides to share during the experience. It will be you in charge to define every single aspect and to decide how much to be challenged. We are not promising revelations, but we are granting you an experience rich in inspirations and able to touch you deeply, either on your physical, mental and spiritual level.

You will find a respectful and non-judgmental environment, where everyone can express their thoughts and emotions without fear, supported by methods and rituals that we will use together; We would also ask everyone to respect others and what they will say and do during your Journey, just to ensure its success. The sharing of very personal stories and the showing of very deep emotions, are common during the Journey: you are all invited to receive them and to respect those who will share them.

During the Journey we will ask you to use ritual practices ancient as humankind, but now forgotten by most of us: the encounter with nature (through a night outdoors) and ritual fasting (with one day without food). As we always say, these are proposals and as such they should be considered. No one will force you to do what you don't want, and we know that in our society of opulence, especially fasting can arouse considerable concerns: for our part, we would just add that you will be invited to have even more water than usual, and that in normal physical conditions, 24 hours without food have no negative effect on our body, apart increasing our hunger 😉 . Once again, this is a proposal, and especially in case of non-optimal physical condition, you are invited to privately notify your situation before the Journey.

participants speak:

  • “It was fundamental because I discovered that not all those who wander are lost”
    -  Chiara C.

  • “Join this, even if you're not educators: you will educate and get educated by the whole group”
    -  Riccardo T.